SPF50 絲亮防曬保護霜 SPF50 Silky Bright UV Protector



30ml | SPF50 | 自然膚色 | 適合不同膚色|滋潤保濕 | 輕薄易推 | 抗水 | 無香料 | 物理性防曬,防曬處於皮膚表面直接反射紫外線。相比化學性防曬,先讓皮膚吸收,繼而轉化解除掉對皮膚的傷害更安全和穩定性高。 SPF50有色防曬的獨特配方,能調和不同膚色,有輕薄粉底效果,讓妝容更自然明亮。 配方設計注重舒適感,植物性油脂增加親和性,使防曬霜容易推開,柔潤性高。恰到好處的油脂和保濕因子比例更有保濕滋潤功效,使毛孔更細緻,讓皮膚維持不乾不膩的狀態。 功效成份: 💧二氧化鈦 – 物理性防曬成分,停留在皮膚表面,直接反射紫外線。相比化學防曬更安全和穩定。 💧米糠油 – 極好的抗氧化劑,富含維生素E,可維持皮膚潤澤,增強保濕滋潤功能。 💧燕麥仁油 – 有深層滋潤和長效保濕功效,當中多種活性酵素,有效增強皮膚屏障,舒緩皮膚乾燥等問題。 💧維生素E/生育三烯酚 – 被譽為新世代維生素E,高抗氧化、抗炎、減緩自由基及保濕作用。 💧有機大馬士革玫瑰花水 – 性質溫和,包含控油、保濕、修護、收斂、舒緩5大功能。 💧有機庫拉索蘆薈葉汁粉 – 與皮膚PH值相近,能增強肌膚防禦力。優異的保濕功能,含豐富維生素,具消炎、退腫、潤滑及修復作用。 |❌ 化學防腐劑|❌ 化學添加|❌ 人工香精|❌ 對羥基苯甲酸|❌ 月桂基硫酸鈉|❌ 基因改造成份|❌ 動物測試| ◾️▫️◾️▫️◾️▫️◾️▫️◾️▫️◾️▫️◾️▫️◾️ 30ml | SPF50 | SKIN TINT | SUITABLE FOR ALL SKIN | MOISTURIZING | EASY TO WEAR | WATER RESISTANT | FRAGRANCE FREE | Physical sunscreen sits on the surface of the skin, block and scatter UV rays. It is considered more stable, safe and less irritating to the skin when comparing to chemical sunscreen. SPF50 tinted formula blends in for all skin tone, it wears like a light foundation for an even and glowing skin. Combination of antioxidant rich oils are light in texture and easy to smooth on the skin, while hydrating ingredients and vitamin E are used to safe guard skin’s health from free radical damage. It is designed to be breathable and comfortable to wear and ideal for daily wear alone or under make-up. Key Ingredients: 💧Titanium oxide – naturally occurring oxide of titanium. Sits on the surface of the skin and block and scatter UV rays. 💧Oryza Sativa (Rice) Bran Oil – a good source of strong antioxidant and free radical scavenger compounds. Known for its ability to soften, moisturize and smooth the skin. 💧Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Oil - rich in fatty acids which improve the protective barrier function of the skin, strengthens and moisturizes and soothes the skin. 💧Tocotrienols / Tocopherol – strong antioxidants which protect the skin’s lipids from damages caused by UV rays and fight free radicals. 💧Organic Rosa damascene flower water – it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, thus helping to hydrate and soothe skin, minimize pores and reduce fine lines. 💧Organic Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder - soothes and reduces the visible effects of inflammation on the skin such as red, swollen and sensitive skin. |❌ chemical preservatives|❌ chemical additives|❌ artificial fragrance|❌ Paraben|❌ SLS|❌ GMO|❌ animal testing|

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